This manual concerns only the Deltec CADD-Prizm® VIP (Variable Infusion Profile) Model and Model ambulatory infusion pumps. The pump has the following delivery modes: PCA PCA (all revision letters) Continuous CONTIN (all revision letters) TPN TPN (all revision letters) Intermittent INTERMT (all revision letters). This manual concerns only the CADD-Prizm® PCS (Pain Control System) Model 61ambulatory infusion pumps. This pump can be pro-grammed to deliver medication at a constant rate and/or allow delivery of a bolus dose at a specified time interval. This manual is intended for clinician use only. Do not permit patients to have access to this manual. CADD Prizm , Manual. Download for 1. Loading PAT I E N T I N F O R M AT I O N. PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia Delivery Mode. Model and Ambulatory. Infusion. Pumps.
CADD Prizm , Manual. Download for 1. Loading PAT I E N T I N F O R M AT I O N. PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia Delivery Mode. Model and View and Download CADD Prizm instruction manual online. This manual concerns only the Deltec CADD-Prizm® VIP (Variable Infusion Profile) Model and Model ambulatory infusion pumps. The pump has the following delivery modes: PCA PCA (all revision letters) Continuous CONTIN (all revision letters) TPN TPN (all revision letters) Intermittent INTERMT (all revision letters).
Deltec CADD-Prizm Service manual kB Download prohibited by Smiths Medical. Support is not desired. Doltron PIM Service. MANUAL. (CADD A Prizm VIP. Model and OPTIONS. Ambulatory. ENTER. Infusion. Pump. CK. NEXT. This online version differs from the printed version. operation of CADD® pump infusion systems. the CADD-Prizm® VIP PCA application in this manual. failure, upstream occlusion (model only).