Beef Feedlot Systems Manual Iowa’s cattle feeding industry is an important part of the state and local economy. More importantly, it is a significant enterprise on several thousand Iowa farms. Cattle feeding adds value to corn and forages; more fully . beef cattle are in the hands of these developing farmers of which only a few make it into the commercial market. More than 70 % of the commercially available beef comes from the feedlot. In the past decade, white meat and pork has gained momentum which has resulted in a suppressed red meat Size: KB. This manual can help producers compare five feedlot facility types including confinement and open lot. Estimated costs, performance assumptions based on available research, manure value, and discussion on environmental issues are provided and analyzed for each facility type.
Beef Feedlots. In beef feedlots, young growing cattle are fed a high-energy diet to produce marketable beef at a low cost of gain. Depending on the starting body weight and age of the cattle, the period of feeding varies from 60 days to 12 mo. The success of a modern feedlot depends on excellent management, a favorable economic climate, and. The biggest source of odours at cattle feedlots is the surface of the pens in which the cattle are raised, fattened and held. Dust Dust from cattle feedlots arises from: • movement of cattle within the pens • storage and processing of solids • land application of effluent and solids, and • disposal of carcasses. A beef feedlot needs to be built with as little capital outlay as possible. Well-designed facilities can be built, or existing facilities may be modified to provide a suitable feedlot. Ade-quate shade and water are essential in Iraq. Even with the best of feed rations, beef steers will not gain weight if ade-quate shade and water is not provided.
The packing industry has placed pressure on feedlots to provide animals that are as clean as possible. Transportation of Cattle. Transportation or shipping of. Continued disease surveillance through regular necropsy examination of all dead cattle and regular observations of sick cattle are necessary. In colder climates. Animal Care Statement Proforma. Approval Process. Introduction. Objectives. Approval Procedures. Feedlot Application Documentation.